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Boujou Badialy Cissoko


Boujou Badialy Cissoko was born in Senegal, West Africa, in the village of Casamance. Born into a Mandingo Griot (storyteller) family, Boujou's grandfather, Soundjoulou Cissoko, is still to this day "King of the Kora". A descendant of dozens of Griot generations, his father Bakary Cissoko, Griot himself, in turn initiates his son at a very early age to the Kora in its most traditional form. His mother is also a beautiful Griot singer. Boujou has been playing the Kora, drumming, singing and dancing since out of the womb.

He attended a music school (conservatoire) in Dakar, then started his career with “Ninkinanka”, the Cissoko’s group, then performed with “Alla La Ke”, his oncle’s well-known group, followed by “Ballet de Rhythm” performing all over in Dakar, then toured Saint Louis with “Ballet TamTam d’Afrique”. Then he joined in a band of Abou Djouba, a big Fulani singer, for a tour in Mauritania and Fouta-Toro, north of Senegal. Back to Dakar, he performed with “Ballet Bougarabou” and then toured to Portugal to perform as djembe player and dancer at “Casino Lisboa” with the “Ballet d’Africain Noir” for two years. After that, he moved to USA, created his own group “BoujouBumBastik” and performed in numerous festivals such as the Raggae on the River Festival and the San Francisco Jazz Festival. He also taught African drum and dance in a school for seven years, then, he toured giving school shows all over in USA, Canada and also in Mexico. He released a CD “All Same to God” with BoujouBumBastik in 2002 and “Dialy the Storyteller” in 2013. He has performed with wonderful artists such as Alpha Yaya Diallo. And participated in many CDs of various artists and motion picture soundtracks.

He grew up listening to the sounds of Miles Davis, Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Marley, and Youssou N'Dour. His greatest influence, however, is his grandfather and his father. Boujou's greatest desire is to bridge his traditional family styles with a more contemporary feel. He developed his style in many different forms such as "pure et dure (upbeat)" Mbalax (Senegalese rhythm), Doukouti (Mandinko rhythm), Djambadon (Mandinko/ Diola rhythm), Funk, Hip-Hop, Jazz, and raggae. "Music brings people together, brings cultures together, bring love together. Music heals people. Music is my passion, Music has no borders.” says Boujou.






 幼少期にダカールの音楽学校に入学後、シソコ家のグループ「Ninkinanka」でキャリアをスタートし、叔父の有名なグループ「Alla La Ke」を経て、「Ballet de Rhythm」ではダカール中で、「Ballet TamTam d’Afrique」ではサン=ルイ中で演奏し、フラニ族の大歌手アブ・ジュバのバンドではモーリタニアとセネガル北部のフータトロ地方をツアーでまわりました。その後、「Ballet Bougarabou」を経て、「Ballet d’Africain Noir」ではポルトガルのカジノ・リスボアにて2年間ジェンベとダンスで公演に参加しました。米国移住後は、自身のグループ「BoujouBunBastik」でレゲエ・オン・ザ・リバーやサンフランシスコ・ジャズフェスティバル等、多数のフェスティバルで演奏しています。学校で子どもたちへのドラムやダンスの指導も7年行い、その後全米、カナダやメキシコの学校での公演ツアーも行ってきました。2002年には「BoujouBunBastik」でアルバム「All Same to God」を、2013年には「Dialy the Storyteller」をリリースし、アルファ・ヤヤ・ジャロのような素晴らしいアーティストと多数共演している他、数々のCDや映画のサウンドトラックにも参加しています。

ブジュはマイルス・デイビス、ジミ・ヘンドリックス、ボブ・マーリー、ユッスー・ンドゥールを聴いて育ちましたが、一番大きく影響を受けたのは何といっても彼の祖父スンジュル・シソコと父バカリ・シソコです。ブジュの最大の望みは家族から受け継いだ伝統的なスタイルを、より現代的な感覚に橋渡しすることです。ブジュは自分のスタイルを色々な形に発展させてきました。”ピュール・エ・デュール(アップビート の)” ンバラ(セネガルのダンス・ミュージック)、ドゥクティ(マンディンゴ族のリズム)、ジャンバドン(マンディンゴ族、ジョラ族のリズム)、ファンク、ヒップホップ、ジャズ、レゲエなどです。「音楽は人々を一つにし、文化を一つにし、愛を一つにする。音楽は自分の情熱であり、音楽には国境はない」とブジュは語ります。


Past Performances

2019 | Africanfesta In Yatsugatake 2019, Japan

2019 | Yokohama Central Town Festival "Y160", Japan

2019 | 2nd IMA NO AFRICA, Japan

2019 | The 12th African Festival Yokohama, Japan

2018 | 1st IMA NO AFRICA, Japan

2018 | Réception pour fêter le succès du Mois de la Francophonie 2018 au Japon (Ambassade de Swiss au Japon)

2018 | The 11th African Festival Yokohama, Japan

2017 | KYOTO GRAPHIE - International Photography Festival "LOVE CIRCUS" Sustaina-village 2017, Kyoto, Japan

2017 | The 10th African Festival Yokohama, Japan

2016 | The 24th Niwabi-sai World Perfoming Art Festival in Yakumo, Shimane, Japan

2016 | The 9th African Festival Yokohama, Japan

2016 | "Vestigial Tale, Part 1: What science tells us about the human drive to tell stories" @CBC Radio, Canada

2015 | The West African Summit with Alpha Yaya Diallo @the ACT Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

2015 | Vancouver Island MusicFest 2015, with Alpha Yaya Diallo, Canada

2015 | The 37th Harrison Festival of the Arts, NJ, USA

2015 | Mother Africa @Clark County Parks and Recreation, Winchester Cultural Center, NV, USA

2015 | The 30th Vancouver International Jazz Festival, Canada

2014 | Surrey Fusion Festival 2014, Canada

2014 | The 2014 Sound Symposium, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

2010 | The West African Summit @Charles Bailey Theatre, BC, Canada


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